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Blog — tarot spread

Sacred Ritual for the Full Moon in Aquarius

Posted by Sharron Basanti on

The ritual for the Full Moon in Aquarius requires only one sacred tool: a clear quartz point of any size.

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Tarot Blog Hop: Don't Fence Me in

Posted by Sharron Basanti on

I am excited to participate in my first Tarot Blog Hop. The theme explores Gene Autry's song, "Don't Fence Me In." I've designed a card spread to help explore what TRUE freedom might be for YOU!

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Sacred Ritual for the Taurus New Moon

Posted by Sharron Basanti on

The ritual involves creating a mandala using bay leaves and a clear quartz point to draw in prosperity for the Taurus New Moon.

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Sacred Ritual for the Full Moon in Scorpio

Posted by Sharron Basanti on

The ritual involves embracing your sensuality, which has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with ‘gratifying your senses.’ When you hold space for your senses to become more keen, your 6th sense becoming heightened!

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Sacred Ritual for the New Moon in Aries

Posted by Sharron Basanti on

The ritual involves creating a magic bag to draw in energy that aligns with your New Moon intentions.

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