The Full Moon in Libra is on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at 9:34 pm (PDT) and has an intense energy.
Let's delve deeper into the medicine the astrological sign of Libra. The sign is influenced by the Element of Air, which is connected to all aspects of the mind, such as communication (verbal & non-verbal), thoughts, and ideas. The planet Venus rules Libra, therefore, shines a light on all relationships, especially romantic ones. The scales of Libra are associated with objectivity, peace, fairness, justice, and balance. Thus, may highlight aspects of your life that suffer from inequity and need to be brought back into equilibrium
The ritual for the Libra Full Moon involves de-cluttering your virtual sacred space, as the last full moon focused on organizing your abode. As with any ritual, create sacred space for yourself to connect with your Higher-SELF. Depending on your Full Moon traditions, you may want to light a candle, call in the elements, directions + guides, make a circle, ring a bell, etc. . . I personally don’t adhere to any rules or guidelines of how to create sacred space. I follow what rises up for me in my heart space, as the energy of each Full Moon is unique, and I want my ritual to reflect where I am vibrationally.
You can do your ritual a day before, on the day, or a day after the Full Moon, as the energy is still potent. You are welcome to use my ritual or adopt parts to help you create your personalized one. Please know that you don’t need to do a ritual for each Full Moon, only connect to the ones that you feel drawn to. Your ritual doesn’t need to be complicated. Can be simple as lighting a candle.
The Ritual
Let's pause here, so you can grab yourself a hot drink because the ritual for the Libra Full Moon is a bit different than previous ones that I’ve shared. My vision is for you to create sacred space like you would for any other ritual, but the only difference is your laptop or whatever device you use is going to be the focal point. It’s time to do a virtual cleanse!
The energy of Libra is also highly-sensitive and may stir up questions regarding your personal boundaries, especially online. The internet is potent, but when you start to feel like you are drowning in a sea of emails then you need to evaluate which newsletters still resonate with you on a soul level. And, the ones that don’t – simply unsubscribe. You can always re-subscribe later. I highly recommend checking out unroll.me, as you can find out what you’ve signed up for and easily unsubscribe.
The next step is not as easy as the first and is optional, as removing people from your friends list on Facebook or unfollowing accounts on Instagram that you don’t resonate with is a different beast. I find social media to be a double edge sword. I love interacting with people, but I do still get overwhelmed and that’s when I know to disconnect. I realize my limits and that’s why I am no longer on other platforms like Twitter or Tumblr, as you can’t be everywhere!

To delve deep into the questions that the Full Moon in Full conjures up, you may want to lay Tarot or Oracle cards. You can use the Libra Full Moon spread to unravel and explore the themes further. Please tag me in your spread on Instagram, as I’d love to know how you connected!