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Sacred Ritual for the New Moon in Gemini

Posted by Sharron Basanti on


I wrote this ritual five years ago in a narrative style and was my first one in the moon series. Thus, holds a special place in my heart! I hope you resonate deeply with the sacred space you create for the dualities within to thrive.

Original Blog Post

I was scrolling through my old blog posts from 2015, which sort of feels like a life time ago . . . I had written about several of the Full Moons and New Moons . . . as I read through the old blog posts, I felt sooooo disconnected from my words . . . the process made me realize that I want to share my personal rituals for the Moon with you!

The New Moon in Gemini is on May 30th, 2022 at 4:30 am (PDT) to be exact. In my heart space, I always feel a deep connection to my ancestors and the rhythms of the Earth when I acknowledge the Moon, as she is responsible for the ebb and flow of the oceans and many other precious gifts.

Each astrological sign carries potent medicine that is unique and magical. Gemini is influenced by the element of air and embraces the medicine of the twins. Consequently, Gemini influences you to be open to your perspective shifting & thinking expanding, you may feel drawn to learning, and you may also feel a bit distract, which isn’t always a negative especially for those that are micro focused!



You can do your ritual a day before, on the day, or a day after the New Moon, as the energy is still potent. You are welcome to use my ritual or adopt parts to help you create your personalized one. Please know that you don’t need to do a ritual for each New Moon, only connect to the ones that you feel drawn to. Your ritual doesn’t need to be complicated. Can be simple as lighting a candle.

As with any ritual, create sacred space for yourself to connect with your Higher-SELF. Depending on your New Moon traditions, you may want to light a candle, call in the elements, directions + guides, make a circle, ring a bell, etc. . . I personally don’t adhere to any rules or guidelines of how to create sacred space. I follow what rises up for me in my heart space, as the energy of each New Moon is unique, and I want my ritual to reflect where I am vibrationally.



If you take a glance around your home, you will find sacred tools that connect with the energy of the New Moon. The secret to creating an altar is to only use sacred tools that connect with you and hold a magical purpose in your ritual. Please remember that there is no wrong or right way, only do what FEELS right in your heart. 

I started gathering sacred tools last week, as I was going to be at the cabin for the New Moon. I brought my mala with me, as I want to start a new daily mantra; a peacock feather to represent the Element of Air, which rules the astrological sign of Gemini; a white and black candle to represent the dual nature of Gemini; Kali and Shiva statues to honour the feminine and masculine, a powerful duality that rules all life; two small onyx bowls, one for salt and the other for water; black moonstone to program with a new intention; incense to cleanse my sacred outdoor space; Om tingsha’s to begin and end my ritual; an oracle deck for insights; and finally my rattle to journey with.


The Ritual

I start my ritual by cleansing myself then my sacred tools & space with sacred smoke. As the sacred smoke fills the air, I focus on releasing blockages in my mind, body & heart. I place my sacred tools intuitively where I am called to on my altar. I ringing my tingshas to signal that my sacred space has been created and invite in my ancestors. I light my black candle first then the white one and wait until the candles start burning brightly before continuing. The flame signals to me the strength of my connection to my ancestors. If the flame was weak then I would spend time raising my energy until the candle started burning brightly.



I pour the salt into the water and accidentally dropped a bit onto my altar. Perhaps, my altar needed to be blessed a bit more?  As I mix the salt and water together, I focus on the dualities within me and visualize them integrating & harmonizing with one another to create balance.

To ground and centre myself, I hold my mala and begin to chant my mantra, “Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha” dedicated to the Hindu Goddess, Kali. I will continue to recite this mantra until the next New Moon. Malas are used to keep count and contain 108 beads, a sacred number in Hinduism and Buddhism. If you don’t have a mala, you can manually keep track to ensure that you have completed 108 repetitions. 

I will most likely start a new mantra on the next New Moon unless I feel that I need to continue with my current one. You can create an affirmation or search for a mantra that would be helpful for you via Google. 



When I feel that I am ready to journey, I hold my black moonstone in one hand and my rattle in the other. I gently shake the rattle back and forth creating a simple rhythm. I stay in that meditative space and explore the medicine being brought forth until I hear myself being called back. . .usually the sound of a raven squawking brings me back to reality.

After I return to consciousness, I program my crystal with my intention for the New Moon. One of the simplest methods to program a crystal is to hold it in your dominant hand and visualize your intentions being poured into the crystal until your soul feels connected and one with the stone.



Finally, I ask for a message from my maternal grandma who passed away on Monday. She lived well into her 90's. I remember visiting her in Victoria, BC during the summers and she always sent me home with a jar of mango chutney. I am grateful for my memories of her, as that is what brings my heart solace after her passing.

I sat with the card for awhile to let the wisdom integrate with my higher-SELF. I received the DREAM card from my Seeds of Shakti Oracle, which was perfect as I’ve been asking her to communicate with me at night through my dreams.

The candles have almost burned out and my heart feels complete, so I close my ritual by ringing my Om tingshas together. I put my sacred tools in my box and pour the salt water onto the tree stump, as that is where I keep my outdoor altar.



To delve deep into the questions that the New Moon in Gemini conjures up, you may want to draw cards. You can use the Gemini New Moon Spread to explore the themes further. Please tag me on Instagram, as I’d love to know how you connected with the spread! 





  • thank you soo much.

    Jennifer Schultz on

  • Hello,
    I want to firstly say thank you for sharing your savres New Moon in Gemini ritual. It was a good read and very interesting to find out the types of rituals that are abundant in this beautiful life. I will do one a day after the full moon which would be the 4th of June. I will share it on my Instagram and let you know how it went and how I connected with this moon in the bio.
    Best wishes,

    LUCY on

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